Don't tell me!

Don't tell me
that you don't feel
a hole inside
that nothing's real,
don't tell me
that you never say
where's the meaning
in every day?
you try to fill
up that hole
with other things
to make you whole
but at the end
of a very long day
you feel the same
try as you may
you fill life up
with many friends
parties and alcohol
the list never ends
aimless relationships
that break your heart
and crazy things
that pull you apart
Then you do it
over again
cause you still have a hole
you still feel the same
it's a vicious circle
the circle of life
you can't escape
you're full of strife
Now you may think
religious freak!
I'm boring and weird
but hear me speak
I'm proud to be
who I am
I've filled my hole
better than you can!
I know you can't
quite understand
that I've believed
God hold's my hand
but when you feel
that hole in you
remember this
he wants to fill your hole and hold your hand too!!


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