God's tears

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop

It sprinkles down
on the ground
on the roof
pattering sound
I watch the drops
roll steadily along
my window pane
until finally gone

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop

why does he cryf
or you and me
for all the pain
covering land and sea
for people who die
all the time
from war and disease
or violent crime

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop

because he cares
and he loves
although people say
he's far above
he ISN'T far
he is right here
through our pain
and through our fear

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop

when it rains
in this land
symbolizes a world
cracked, dry full of sand
and the rain
symbolizes love
and God's tears
from up above

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop


When it rained the other day I suddenly had this thought. The rain is like God's tears for the hurting world. They pour down for all the pain that he sees in the world. He feels everything that we feel and it breaks his heart to see us like this!! Why can't we turn back and run into his arms?? It's also like God is flooding love onto this cracked and hurting world that so needs compassion and healing. Water is life! We can't live without water; we can't live without his love and never ending compassion!So that's what I think anyway. The mind of an emotional, deep thinker artist!! Hope it makes you think!

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