How i saw the world!

A blanket of endless black velvet stretches across the sky and muffles the earth; filling every nook and cranny with its soft, empowering darkness. Trees become looming black giants against the silky horizon; ever shifting their tangled and spindly limbs in the cool, whispering wind. Buildings lay silent yet ever watchful as centurions of the nightand offer safety to the vaunerable innhabitants within their towering walls. Shadows shift beneath pools of dull golden light emitting from lonely lamposts, reaching up into the velvet darkness. Creatures scuttle and creep through entangling hedgerows who lunge out to ensnare their prey. Yet despite all this, a soft and peaceful silence stretches over the land as the shimmering moon watches over her sleeping world. As the clouds blissully part; twinkling diamonds hang in the sky bringing hope to a dark, unsettled world. In the midst of this i stand, in love with the night...
3rd August 2009
Note: It was really hot in my room the other night so i opened the glass doors and stepped outside. Some people who know me well will know that i love the night, I'm not really scared of anything jumping out or anything. My wish is to one daybe allowed to walk for hours in the moonlight!! Seriously. Everyone thinks I'm weird when i tell them that. Like how i like walking round in the house if it's dark. Anyway so i went outside and litterally that's what i saw it like. Words just jumped and spun round my head as i looked out into the sleeping countryside. So yeh ...


  1. lol and we all know whose going to do well in their descriptive piece this english exam :)
    Not that i dont like your poems, but i thoroughly enjoyed this.

  2. maybe i should write more of them then ... it always seems to be much easier =P
