When i find you ...

the rushing, swirling wind
and the powerful, roaring seas
joined by the constant, battering rain
whipping off roofs, uprooting trees

the beautiful, fluffy clouds
joining a lovely, refreshing breeze
countryside stretching below
twittering birds and buzzing bees

that is where i find you Lord
in both your power and peace
i have no doubt about you then
that your love with ever cease

but when I'm lying here again
at the end of every day
sometimes i wonder where you are
you whisper "beside you, always to stay"


The rain ...

The splitter splatter and constant patter of the rain outside drew my numbed attention from the tedious work I'd been scribbling halfheartedly at. The sheer beauty of rain pulled me away from the half-filled dull paper and drew me to the window where i looked out on a world encased in drops.

I watched as they fell silently from the sky to make little pitter patter sounds different objects below. It was like music. Different pitches on different objects, some made small, almost inaudible twangs yet others made resounding clangs as the rain beat down upon them. All played by the best musician of all ... nature itself. Suddenly the drops started soaring down, faster and faster, harder and harder; soaking the dry, cracked earth, washing the dust from every crack, washing everything clean. Oh that it would wash me clean too! Wash all the work and stress from within me like it washes the dirt from every insignificant crack in every wall. That they would flow away like the turmulous wadis that crash and tumble away down the valleys, to sweep away everything negitive and crushing in my spirit.

Oh but i love the rain. There's something about it. It's full of contrasts. It's peaceful yet always causes chaos, it washes clean and fills up the parched land but never fills up the parched soul, it's weak in the little rounded drops that fall from the sky yet when accumilated in a river or wadi it can be a fierce Lion dragging away anything it it's path.

My mind drifted back to the present, to the world i was placed in, the world i live in now ... my life! Finally with all my regret i pulled myself sadly away from the window, the window into my paradise of dreaming, and sat down to that tedious work and those degected little pieces of paper. As i worked i still listened to the magical music of the pattering rain outside my window, calming me and ... always waiting for me.


Summertime memories

Written summer 2009: "Ahhh well i was bored so i sat on the bottom bunk staring out the window with the pad of paper infront of me. I thought of all my life that I'd left behind in Oman. It just seems more like a dream now. I tell people all about my life there and talk about my friends and school and all but the more i tell the further it seems away and the more it feels like a dream. The other day my mum asked if i remembered gonig to a certain place .... you know what?? I acctually thought i did but wasn't sure if it was a dream, memory or imagination! So this is for all you guys i love so much and miss ... "

Sand and dust
mountains and sea
big blue sky
accacia tree
busy roads
and dusty tracks
white mansion tall
little metal shack

but memories fade
they blur to grey
my life and home
are a world away

in my room
sitting at my desk
lying on my bed
what i loved best
in busy school
laughing with friends
sitting with him
work never ends

but memories fade
they blur to grey
my life and home
are a world away
they don't seem real
far and not near
but until i come home
I'll hold them dear


How i saw the world!

A blanket of endless black velvet stretches across the sky and muffles the earth; filling every nook and cranny with its soft, empowering darkness. Trees become looming black giants against the silky horizon; ever shifting their tangled and spindly limbs in the cool, whispering wind. Buildings lay silent yet ever watchful as centurions of the nightand offer safety to the vaunerable innhabitants within their towering walls. Shadows shift beneath pools of dull golden light emitting from lonely lamposts, reaching up into the velvet darkness. Creatures scuttle and creep through entangling hedgerows who lunge out to ensnare their prey. Yet despite all this, a soft and peaceful silence stretches over the land as the shimmering moon watches over her sleeping world. As the clouds blissully part; twinkling diamonds hang in the sky bringing hope to a dark, unsettled world. In the midst of this i stand, in love with the night...
3rd August 2009
Note: It was really hot in my room the other night so i opened the glass doors and stepped outside. Some people who know me well will know that i love the night, I'm not really scared of anything jumping out or anything. My wish is to one daybe allowed to walk for hours in the moonlight!! Seriously. Everyone thinks I'm weird when i tell them that. Like how i like walking round in the house if it's dark. Anyway so i went outside and litterally that's what i saw it like. Words just jumped and spun round my head as i looked out into the sleeping countryside. So yeh ...

Short and sweet

how are you?
I'm doing fine
chitchat, chitchat
O! Would you look at the time!

howz things?
okish, not great
aw what a shame
soz, gota go, it's pretty late!

what's up?
nuthin much, a bit down
really? me too
dinner, gota go now

let me guess...
how are you?
do you acctually care?
ir is it just a script you run through?


pitter patter
rain's coming near
clouds grow darker
can you see them dear?

splitter splatter
on the window
drizzling down
won't come in though

I love the rain
drizzling down
in little drops
all around

drip drop
running off a leaf
it's like a race
to fall underneath

plip plop
in the puddle
watch them fall
rings make a muddle

I love the rain
drizzling down
in little drops
all around


Me, myself and I

a christian girl
with standards high
and strict morals
she intends to stick by

an emotional girl
with feelings deep
and a beating heart
she's trying to keep

a caring girl
with many a friend
trying to help
other's hearts to mend

a crazy girl
who loves to laugh
and mess around
it's my other half!

a hardworking girl
who tries her best
and needs someone
to tell her to rest

a TCK girl
grew up overseas
one country, one nation
will never please

this is me
all i believe
everything i am
take it or leave



Smile for your house
Smile for your room
you're lucky you won't
be fleeing them soon

Smile for the roof
Smile for the wall
you're lucky you even
have them at all

Smile for your mum
Smile for your dad
you're lucky for parents
that some never had

Smile for your food
Smile for your drink
you're lukc you don't
have to scavenge or think

Smile at school
Smile as you learn
you're luck you can
pay for term after term

Smile cause of him
Smile cause of her
you're lucky they won't
be gone in a blur

some people here
in this worldly mess
don't have much
live with less and less

live in a shack
of metal and board
just get by
on what they can afford

some loose family
some loose friends
no money or work
food comes to an end

so i am really
trying to say
is remember them
and be grateful for today

September 2009

To Mohamed

don't remember much
was a long time ago
but we were friends
he watched me grow

a little english girl
a little Omani boy
playing on the swing
must have been joy

he'd come to the door
ask me to play
or i'd squirt him with water
those were good days

photos of us all
sitting on the swings
dressed in uniform
smiles always brings

then we grew up
didn't play much
wasn't socially correct
separation as such

then I moved away
hardly saw him at all
in all seven years
just a handshake in the hall

i don't think either of us
really remember
a childhood long ago
but now it becomes tender

found out he died
just the other day
died in a crash
what else can i say?

now i write and cry
for a childhood friend
who i hardly know
who's life won't mend

no matter big or small
part of my life he was
now that he's gone
I feel sad just because



perfect hair
soft tanned skin
gorgeous dress
amazingly slim
make up exact
glistening smile
arm in arm
she struts down the aisle

magazine covers
tv shows
billboard ads
high and low
images of perfection
images bombarded
but they bring dispair

our daily dose
of models galore
feeds jelous minds
down to the core
"if only, if only
we could be
perfect as that
if it was only me!"

are we so stupid
are we so vain?
we subject ourselves
to so much pain
all we see
looking back
is what we don't have
what we lack

stop, stay still
and look again
into that shiny
enemy and then
you will see
you truly are
more than they are!


Giving it away

why do you give
away your heart
so carelessly
to be ripped appart?

why do you flaunt
you body so?
don't you care?
you're making yourself low

why did you kiss
those guilty lips?
and let his hands
stray to your hips?

you must have known
that all too soon
he'd move on
never to be your groom

so what's the point?
why do you do
all those things?
or don't you have a clue?

is it for joy?
but that won't last!
is it for love?
it's here then it's passed!

is it for popularity?
or pressure from friends?
for a feeling of accpetance?
the list never ends

what about you?
do you really need
to be passed around
with elegant speed?

you are precious
can't you see?
don't give yourself away
just be all you can be!


Come and go

Many have come
And many have gone
I’ve had some best friends
But never for very long

They all seem to leave
After a couple of years
And I’m left here
To shed many tears

Some keep in touch
And others forget
Email occasionally now
But I’m full of regret

We had lots of fun
Great friends of mine
Yes I miss them now
But I’ll be just fine

But when I feel
Like I’m all alone
That they’ve given up
And in the wind I’m blow

I remember I’ll never loose you
You’re here with me
Lord you’ll keep me safe
For all eternity!


Just smile!

Just smile
Forget the past
Make it shine
Let joy last

Your smile will
Cover you
Let it heal
Do what it has to do

Yes I’m hurt
But I’ll smile outside
And that will cover
Everything I want to hide

It may cover
All your pain
For a while
But still remain

So I tell you
Let your smile
Bring you joy
That is worthwhile

Don’t let yourself
Smile real fake
But cry beneath
Cause you will ache

But let it flow
Throughout your whole
Let it get to your heart
Body, mind and soul

And even if
You didn’t mean to
It will heal
Fix you all through

Just smile
Forget the past
Make it shine
Let joy last


Don't tell me!

Don't tell me
that you don't feel
a hole inside
that nothing's real,
don't tell me
that you never say
where's the meaning
in every day?
you try to fill
up that hole
with other things
to make you whole
but at the end
of a very long day
you feel the same
try as you may
you fill life up
with many friends
parties and alcohol
the list never ends
aimless relationships
that break your heart
and crazy things
that pull you apart
Then you do it
over again
cause you still have a hole
you still feel the same
it's a vicious circle
the circle of life
you can't escape
you're full of strife
Now you may think
religious freak!
I'm boring and weird
but hear me speak
I'm proud to be
who I am
I've filled my hole
better than you can!
I know you can't
quite understand
that I've believed
God hold's my hand
but when you feel
that hole in you
remember this
he wants to fill your hole and hold your hand too!!


God's tears

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop

It sprinkles down
on the ground
on the roof
pattering sound
I watch the drops
roll steadily along
my window pane
until finally gone

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop

why does he cryf
or you and me
for all the pain
covering land and sea
for people who die
all the time
from war and disease
or violent crime

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop

because he cares
and he loves
although people say
he's far above
he ISN'T far
he is right here
through our pain
and through our fear

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop

when it rains
in this land
symbolizes a world
cracked, dry full of sand
and the rain
symbolizes love
and God's tears
from up above

Plip plop
drip drop
God's tears
won't stop


When it rained the other day I suddenly had this thought. The rain is like God's tears for the hurting world. They pour down for all the pain that he sees in the world. He feels everything that we feel and it breaks his heart to see us like this!! Why can't we turn back and run into his arms?? It's also like God is flooding love onto this cracked and hurting world that so needs compassion and healing. Water is life! We can't live without water; we can't live without his love and never ending compassion!So that's what I think anyway. The mind of an emotional, deep thinker artist!! Hope it makes you think!


I wanna jump
I wanna shout
tell the world
what you're about

what you've done
what I've seen
what's happening now
and what has been

I wanna go
to places new
tell all the people
who don't know you

let them dance
let them sing
of their great joy
that comes from the king

but i am living
my life right ehre
all my dreams
are no where near

so for now
I will keep burning
away from you
i won't be turning

i will shine
with your guiding hand
shine real bright
through MY land

i wait on the day
you send me out
to tell the world
what you're about!



I sit here now
sorrow fills me up
head is bowed
tears well up
everyone's here
thinking of you
everyone's here
everyone but YOU!

you've truly gone
never be here again
so I'll carry on
shed tears and then
I'll mourn a while
as i miss you
mix tears with smile
as i remember you too!

but this i know
you're in better care
so I'll grow and grow
till i meet you there

Written for Chevez and Tia Raju after the death of their dad


don't care anymore
I hav to let go
I'm weak and sore
and i have to let go

thought I'd give you
all my heart
what i have to do
is keep us appart

i thought that it was
too good to be true
I can't take this
I fell in love with you

but i made a vow
not to do this again
I'm fullfilling it now
and ignoring the pain

so i don't care anymore
I am letting go
I'm weak and sore
and I'm going to let go!


Definition of LOVE...

Ok well i wrote this when i was going round asking people what
they thought was the real meaning of love. Then this was kinda
dedicated to all my amazing friends =)

People often say
love includes guy and girl
a fairytale love
true feelings unfurl

who ever says
it's always that way
maybe it's not
but think what you may

it wasn't really love
when i liked this guy
and it wasn't really love
when he walked on by

but love is how you feel
when you really care
love can heal
and it can strip you bare!

love can reach
across many a sea
love can teach
what you cannot see

friendship is love
through thick and thin
they know you above
and know you within

they accept you
for who you are
even when
you stray off afar

so i love you
you're an amazing friend
love what you do
always a smile to lend

yes love can be
between girl and guy
but as for me
i won't lie

friendship is an amazing thing
make me smile, make me sing
you mean more to me
than any guy could be

so that's love eh?
what more can i say?


bombs crash
guns shoot
houses uproot
people dying
people crying
loved one
now gone
the children start to cry
for their innocent loving Dad
they never got to say goodbye
and now a dad, they'll never have

bombs crash
guns shoot
houses uproot
loud bang
ears rang
shells attacked
I'm trapped
family searches through the stones
but what will they find there?
a bloody corpse with broken bones
splayed out in a hole bare!

bombs crash
guns shoot
houses uproot
rockets fired
troops hired
tanks arrive
war hive
there's a newborn baby asleep in the bed
that was before the last shell hit
now mother, father and baby are dead
crushed or buried to die bit by bit

bombs crash
guns shoot
houses uproot
men die
tolls high
shells drop
won't stop!!
So why do the innocents have to die?
They didn't have any part
The war's between people up high
who don't seem to have any heart

bombs crash
guns shoot
houses uproot
water low
food below
smugglers paid
no aid
These people are suffering, dying
for no real reason at all
while governments are lying
just so they can stand tall

Would YOU like to loose your Dad?
or loose everything you ever had?
Would you like to be buried alive
to suffocate, be crushed, loose your life?
How about live in fear of a shell,
that'll blow up your house? must be like hell!
or lastly if you were searching through stones
find a bloody corpse, brother, sister, their bones?
What if that was YOU? Do you care?
What would you feel? Is it fair?
Remember they're just the same as you
What you would want us to do??

8th January 2009

for all those poor people suffering in the Gaza strip, I wish I could help!


Have you ever thought
when you watch tv
of all the people who fought
for family and to be free?

or when the ambulance goes by
what do you think?
of al lthe people who will cry
or lives teetering on the brink?

when you shout at mum or dad
and say "I hate you!"
so you know how they're sad
or how bad they feel too?

when you see those men
who work on the street
what do you think then?
of the family they hardly meet?

Just sit and think
what do you feel?
to other people living on the brink
you life is paradise become real!!


Innconvenient truth!

People come
you have fun
people leave
don't wanna believe
hearts break
all for love's sake
souls die
we ALL cry
life's tough
going is rough
we've all been through
so have YOU!
we get let down
makes you frown
we get hurt
laying in the dirt
but it's ok
no matter what peopel say
you'll get through
people love you
and i do now too =)


Dreaming Zzzzz

Do you ever wish you were elsewhere?
away from the world without a care?
well i'm going to take you there!

the sea crashes down
on a desserted beach
sand is yellow brown
you're out of thw world's reach!
beach stretches away
the smell of sea spray
blue sky, warm sun
begging you to come

now your in a green field
with a beautiful yield
flowers blossom and bloom
you won't aww the grass soon!
wind ruffles your hair
you have not a care
lay down in the grass
and watch clouds pass

That's not a life for you!
You've gotta get out and DO
enjoy your life
no matter what strife
I know it's hard but hang on!
I know the road is long
but hey! CHEER UP!


Friends (cheesy)

Cheesy but awesome =)

I know people here
and people there
know people near
and for them i care

some are tall
some are short
some constantly fall
to some gracefullness was taught

some are dark
some are light
some write in weird marks
some put up a fight

some hair is straight
some hair curled
some can't wait
i know people around the world

no matter who i know
or who they are
or even how utterly far
away they live now

You'll always be a special friend
forever, till the end!


Memories ...

To Roisin, Bea and Rach

I see the scene again
it's been making me insane
running round my head
my mind is almost dead

I see the sand and sea
it's where i want to be
I see three special friends
whose time here soon ends
I see the shadows of trees
hundred thousand memories
of the time we had together
friends as good as them? never
they bekon me to come
to join in their great fun
I can't help but think
we're teetering on the brink
we'll soon be split appart
and then the pain will start
can't bear that thought
I know I've been taught
forget the thought, let go
treasure the time now, so
when the time comes
you'll miss them all tons
but you'll have treasured the time
so the memories are all mine
but i can't stick to that
pain will come streaming back
I don't know what to do
haven't got a clue
all i know is pain inside
that i just can't hide
when i see them around
I cry inside with no sound!


God says ...

Woah i just found this written on a little scrap of paper in a book =O! It's amazing ... i remember this. This was acctually God talking to me, exactly what i was feeling! Cool ...

In hard times i carried you through
and in your pain i comforted you
when you fell i lifted you up
when you were thirsty, you drank from my cup
you were worried, I said "it's ok"
i stood beside you on your hardest day
When you cried i dried your tears
Held your hand through darkest fears
All this year I've looked after you
Now it's YOUR turn, to go and do
I've made you strong in faith and mind
I've tought you love and peace and kind
Now my child, with me in you
I challenge you to go and DO!



Is that a real smile?
haven't seen one in a while
are we all fake?
is it images we make?

ask if you're ok
and you obviously say
"yeh I'm fine"
it's everyone's favourite line

that girl cried
but of course she lied
and she is hurt
but disses it like the dirt

one girl's heart broke
but tell people, nope
and HER mum died
but feelings do hide

SHE goes from boy to boy
they treat her like a toy
one girl's eternally mad
like her abusive dad

she's concerned about weight
she's obsessed with fate
that one's had it tough
and she's had enough

again i say
are we all fake?
is it images we make?



Love is a message from your heart
that you and me should never part
a joy that is beyond compare
a feeling that someone does care

It's the moment when you see their face
and your heart begins to race
it's the time when two eyes meet
and you feel your heart beat

Love sees nothing but you and me
it covers everything else youo can see
it fills your life from bottom to top
it gives you everything you haven't got

Love makes you feel you're flying high
between the clouds up in the sky
"Utter nonesence" you may say, but then...
we all find love every now and again!


Velvet skies ... (be what i be)

The stars shine bright
piercing the night
they twinkle and shine
like something Divine

the velvet of dark
lays over the park
like a silent cover
silencing all other

people have flown
only some on their own
see the wonders i see
be what i be

the glow of happiness
for windows no less
tries to hide
the dark beauty outside

Yet i lie here in bed
with thoughts in my head
plenty to feel
but none of it real

All of that, was fake
just pictures i make
imagine the wonders i see
be what i be


Music is beauty

I hear the still before the sound
the wait before beauty is found
as i lay bow on string
the room starts to ring
but not just dead notes
who round the page float
these notes are real as ever
they'll live on forever
but they'd be nothing at all
without insrument, player and call
the notes fly round
a beautiful sound
they become part of me
all i can hear and see
passion mixed with note
on clouds i float
lost in the sound
beauty is found!


Dry those eyes

Dry those eyes now girl
it's not all that bad!
face used to be a pearl
but now it's all sad

what happened to the smile
and those happy eyes?
i used to see all the while
I guess all joy dies!

don't run off now girl
and cry all alone
let your sadness unfurl
and to me let it know

for I've been there too
all too many a time
people are there for you
that's why i wrote this rhyme!

so let me hold you close
and dry those tearful eyes
let me comfort you, little rose
and wipe those hurting lies...


Is it wrong?

This is a kinda old poem but i still really like it =)

is it wrong to wear clothes you like?
or quit shopping and go on a hike?
is it wrong not to flirt with a guy?
or have friendships you DON'T have to buy?
is it wrong not to say "wow he's hot!"
or say "he's a geek. cute? NOT"
is it wrong to be pleased with your size?
or NOT want to win beauty prize?

Well i don't need any of that!
I'm not another skinny who think's they're fat
don't want the guys to stare
if I'm not popular I don't care!
I may like a guy for a while
but not for his looks or style
and my friends I'll treasure and keep
rather than hurting them deep

I'm proud of who i am
so try, if you can
not to be beautiful skin deep
but beautiful inside, which WILL keep!

December 08